Workshops: Transformative Experiences
Most of us repress anger till it explodes in a destructive and unproductive way. Let’s transform this energy into a non-reactive, productive, and powerful creative energy that is not opposite to care/love. Intense and fun, you’ll wish you would have experienced this transformation long time ago.
Culture Play
How is culture experienced? How is it enabling or restricting us? In this workshop we play with culture - with the way in which we relate to each other. As social beings, culture shapes us maybe more than anything else. Learn how to update it to welcome more of us, to enact more of the world we want to live in. In a word, CULTURE ACTIVISM in practice.
Liberate your Aliveness & Light through Discernment
Shyness, Insecurities, Self-Judegement, Fear… they all restrain and restrict us from our potential. But let’s not throw the baby with the bathwater! These actually try to take care for us. Through discernment, find the wisdom in these AND, let your inner beauty and gifts shine forth in trust & confidence.
Unconditional Love in Practice
The potential of unconditional and universal love is usually seen of a thing of fairy tales. Are you open to be surprised though? The potential is real. This form of love is actually accesible and rational. It’s not only very enjoyable, but deeply practical and beneficial. Get a taste of this juicy potential, as well as a roadmap of how to stably access it more in your life.
Setting Compassionate Boundaries
How can we easefully set our boundaries in such a way that cares for ourselves and for others? How important this is, how central to our lives, is easy to underestimate. Why don’t we learn it at school? I have no idea. Learn to say yes to so much more through saying NO.
Coworking in Heaven
A deeply enjoyable collective flow experience. Come and work on your projects from your most powerful and essential self. Access your innate resourcefulness to take action from your current ideal mode of being.
Let’s make progress on what’s truly most essential in this moment!